
物联网软件开发公司 2024年高考英语新课标Ⅱ卷听力深度剖析

发布日期:2024-10-17 15:54    点击次数:79





2024年新高考II卷命题贯彻落实高考内容窜改条目,通过登科讨论体育、好意思育等的语篇,提醒学生坚捏五育并举,完结身心健康成长和德智体好意思劳全面发展。在听力部分,话题涵盖了泛泛生涯、逛公园、周末磋磨、作念课程技俩、去听演唱会等。Text 10敷陈了别称商东谈主到手的诀窍——正经东谈主际相关。这些内容不仅逼近泛泛生涯,易于将考生带入情境、剖析材料,更能有用观看学生行使英语进行泛泛交际以及处分骨子问题的才智。












二、具体分析Text 1 昨晚去购物

M: Did you watch the talent show on TV last night?

W: No, I missed it. I went with my mum to buy some clothes.

1. What did the woman do yesterday evening?

A. She watched TV.

B. She went shopping.

C. She attended a show.

【剖析】B。事实细节题。凭证女士的话“I went with my mum to buy some clothes.”可知,女士昨晚和姆妈沿途去买穿戴,即昨晚去购物。

Text 2 逛公园

W: I love this park. It’s so beautiful.

M: It surely is. Are you tired? Shall we stop by the lake for a few minutes?

W: Good idea. Let’s go to that cafe for a little refreshment.

2. What is the man’s suggestion?

A. Taking a rest.

B. Going for a coffee.

C. Having a snack.

【剖析】A。事实细节题。凭证男士的话“Are you tired? Shall we stop by the lake for a few minutes?”可知,他盘考女士是否累了,建议在湖边停留几分钟稍作休息。


refreshment 食品和饮料

Text 3 周末磋磨

W: Tom, shall we invite the Smiths around for dinner this Sunday?

M: Sure, but I need to pack for Monday’s business trip. What about Saturday?

W: OK.

3. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. A weekend plan.

B. A wedding invitation.

C. A business deal.



pack 打理(行李);装(箱)

Text 4 邀请与婉拒

M: Barbara, do you want to play table tennis with us tonight?

W: I’d love to, but I can’t. I’m catching the last train to Denver to see my grandma. I need to take her to visit a doctor tomorrow morning.

4. Where is Barbara going tonight?

A. To a gym.

B. To her grandma’s.

C. To the doctor’s.


Text 5 泛泛生涯

W: Alex, did you feed the cat this morning? I don’t think she can wait.

M: Alright. After I finish this chapter, I just can’t let go of this book.

5. What is Alex doing?

A. He’s having breakfast.


B. He’s feeding a cat.

C. He’s reading a book.

【剖析】C。事实细节题。女士问Alex上昼有莫得喂猫。凭证Alex的话“After I finish this chapter, I just can’t let go of this book.”可知,他看完这章就去,因为他对这本书如获至宝。由此可得出,Alex正在念书。


let go of 放下;贬低

Text 6 想要健身

M: Miss, do you need any help?

W: I want to get fit. But exercise doesn’t seem to help.

M: What kind of exercise have you done before?

W:I did jogging now and then, but it was so boring. So I changed to weight-lifting. But it was so demanding and I was afraid of getting injured. So I went bike-riding.

M: Oh, I see. ⑦You need to be consistent. I suggest you do different kinds of exercise on one day or on different days of the week. This will help hold your interest, so you can keep coming back.

6. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In a fitness center.

B. In a sports shop.

C. In a clinic.


7. What does the man advise the woman to do?

A. Buy high-quality sportswear.

B. Keep working out regularly.

C. Avoid over-exercising.

【剖析】B。推理判断题。凭证男士的话“You need to be consistent. I suggest you do different kinds of exercise on one day or on different days of the week.”可知,物联网软件开发价格男士建议女士坚捏下去,在一天或一周的不同日子里作念不同种类的开通。音在弦外,男士建议女士应该保捏有范例的熟悉。


demanding 条目高的

consistent 联结的;捏续的

hold one’s interest 诱骗住某东谈主的趣味

Text 7 预订餐桌

W: Hello, Browns Grow. How may I help you?

M: Hi, ⑧I like to book a table for Friday evening. 

W: OK. How many people are there in your party?

M: There will be six.

W: And what time would you like to come?

M: Let’s say, eh, 6:30.

W: I’m afraid that we don’t have anything available then. We could see you at 5:30 or 8:00.

M: Oh, ⑨8:00 is better.

W: ⑨Fine. May I have your name?

M: Yes. ⑩It’s Anderson.

W: Thank you. We’ll see you on Friday. By the way, we’ve moved to Howard Street.

M: Oh, yeah. I know. Thanks.

8. Why does the man make the call?

A. To reserve a table.

B. To ask about a party.

C. To postpone a meeting.

【剖析】A。事实细节题。女士问男士有什么需要匡助。凭证男士的话“I like to book a table for Friday evening.”可知,男士想预订周五晚上的餐桌。

9. What time should the man arrive on Friday evening?

A. At 5:30.    B. At 6:30.    C. At 8:00.

【剖析】C。事实细节题。男士本想预订周五晚上6:30的餐桌,女士说这个本领依然订满了,建议男士预订5:30随意8:00的。凭证男士的话“8:00 is better.”可知,周五晚上男士会在8:00到达餐馆。

10. What is the man’s name?

A. Brown.    B. Anderson.  C. Howard.

【剖析】B。事实细节题。凭证男士的话“It’s Anderson.”可知,男士的名字是Anderson。


available 有空的

Text 8 不成加入对方的课程技俩

W: Jacob, do you have a minute now?

M: Sure.

W: ⑪⑬Well, it’s not easy to say, but I have to tell you—you are not in our group for the class project.

M: Sarah, what do you mean? You know I’m always in a group with you.

W: ⑪I know. It’s just that this time. This time we made the group differently, and because you were late. ⑪⑫We’ve already made the group. See? There are four of us already.

M: So we can’t be a group of five?

W: ⑬Well, Professor Nor said there should be no more than four people in each group. It’s not about you or your work or anything like that.

M: OK, but please count me in next time.

11. Why does Sarah come to talk to Jacob?

A. To make an appointment.

B. To seek his advice.

C. To explain a decision.

【剖析】C。推理判断题。凭证Sarah的话“Well, it’s not easy to say, but I have to tell you—you are not in our group for the class project.”可知,她告诉Jacob他不在我方所在的小组里作念班级技俩,接着她进一步诠释了原因:Jacob迟到了,Sarah的小组依然有4个东谈主了。由此可推断出,Sarah来找Jacob谈话是为了诠释一个决定。

12. How many people are there in Sarah’s group?

A. Three.    B. Four.    C. Five.

【剖析】B。事实细节题。凭证Sarah的话“We’ve already made the group. See? There are four of us already.”可知,她的小组有四个东谈主。

13. What is the relationship between the speakers?

A. Classmates.  B. Fellow workers.  C. Teacher and student.

【剖析】A。推理判断题。对话运行Sarah告诉Jacob他不在我方所在的小组里作念班级技俩,再凭证“Well, Professor Nor said there should be no more than four people in each group.”可知,造就说每组不应该越过四个东谈主。由关键词class project,professor可推断出,话语者是同学相关。


no more than 不越过

count sb. in 把某东谈主贪图入内;包括

Text 9 邀请一又友去听演唱会

M: Hey, Jannie. Where are you going?

W: ⑯To the library.

M: There is a music concert in Victoria Park at 4 o’clock. Do you want to go?

W: Yes. Professor Darwin’s lecture has canceled. I’m free this evening.

M: Great. The band plays pretty good music. For the last three years I have never missed it.

W: How long ago do the band start playing in a park?

M: I think it was five years ago. ⑭Every year they arrive the first week of July and play for a week. ⑮You are sure to enjoy this evening. There would be good country music.

W: My favorite is Rock and roll, but I have to say that country music can be quite beautiful sometimes.

M: I like all kinds of music, especially jazz. Oh, Jannie, we have to go now.

W: Why? There’s plenty of time.

M: Many people are heading to the park. The traffic will be terrible.

W: All right. ⑯But I have to return these books first.


M: OK. I will be waiting for you at the bus station.

14. How often does the band come to perform in the park?

A. Three times a year.

B. Once a year.

C. Every other year.

【剖析】B。事实细节题。凭证男士的话“Every year they arrive the first week of July and play for a week.”可知,这个乐队每年7月的第一个星期王人会来到这里上演一周。

15. What kind of music will be played this evening?

A. Country music.  B. Jazz.    C. Rock and roll.

【剖析】A。事实细节题。凭证男士的话“You are sure to enjoy this evening. There would be good country music.”可知,今晚乐队将演奏乡村音乐。

16. What will Jannie do next?

A. Catch a bus.

B. Listen to a lecture.

C. Go to the library.

【剖析】C。事实细节题。凭证Jannie开篇和驱散的话“To the library.”“But I have to return these books first.”可知,Jannie要先去藏书楼还书。

Text 10 一位到手的商东谈主

W: Good morning, everyone. This lesson is a part of our leadership series. Let me start by sharing a story of Richard Rochester, one of the most successful businessmen in Britain. ⑰Years ago, I was given a task of organizing a conference in the south of England. I chose a five-star hotel owned by Rochester as the venue. Susan, the receptionist, helped me arrange everything perfectly. Once when we were chatting, I asked Susan if she’d ever met Mr. Rochester. She said “Yes.” Shortly after Mr. Rochester bought the hotel, he made an appointment to see the hotel manager, when he arrived, the first person he met was Susan who was cleaning the carpet. He chatted with Susan for 30 minutes before keeping his appointment with the manager. ⑱He spent all day at the hotel talking with each member of the staff from the top guy to the lady who cleaned the toilets. Six months later, ⑲Mr. Rochester paid another visit. Susan had been promoted to receptionist, but he recognized her immediately and addressed her by name. He even remembered that she had a little girl and what her name was. Now I don’t believe that Richard Rochester has that good memory. He must have written a lot of notes after his first visit and read them over again before that second visit. ⑳It’s time-consuming, but it shows the importance he places on human relationships. I think that’s one of the secrets of his success.

17. Why did the speaker go to the hotel?

A. To deliver a speech.

B. To arrange a conference.

C. To interview Mr. Rochester.

【剖析】B。事实细节题。凭证“Years ago, I was given a task of organizing a conference in the south of England. I chose a five-star hotel owned by Rochester as the venue.”可知,话语者接到一项任务,要在英格兰南部组织一次会议,她选拔了Richard Rochester的栈房手脚会议处所。

18. What did Mr. Rochester do soon after he bought the hotel?

A. He talked with the staff members.

B. He had the old carpets replaced.

C. He ran a six-month training project.

【剖析】A。事实细节题。凭证“He spent all day at the hotel talking with each member of the staff from the top guy to the lady who cleaned the toilets.”可知,Rochester先生买下这家栈房之后,花了一天的本领和栈房里的每一位职工交谈,上至高层,下至打扫洗手间的女就业员。

19. What did Susan do when she met Mr. Rochester the second time?

A. She was a cleaner.

B. She was a secretary.

C. She was a receptionist.

【剖析】C。事实细节题。凭证“Mr. Rochester paid another visit. Susan had been promoted to receptionist,”可知,Susan第二次见Rochester先生时,她依然晋升为管待员。

20. What does the speaker think is key to Mr. Rochester’s success?

A. Managing time efficiently.

B. Valuing human relationships.

C. Possessing a good memory.

【剖析】B。事实细节题。凭证“It’s time-consuming, but it shows the importance he places on human relationships. I think that’s one of the secrets of his success.”可知,话语者以为Rochester先生对东谈主际相关的宠爱是他到手的关键。value意为“宠爱”。


venue 约聚处所(如音乐厅、体育比赛场馆、会场)

address 名称(某东谈主)

time-consuming 费时的;耗本领的

place sth. on sth. 以某种作风对待(或看待)

human relationship 东谈主际相关


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